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Who We Are?

Demiryapı İnşaat entered the railway sector in Derince in 2005. Involved in the construction project of Ankara-Eskişehir High Speed Train line, which was a first in Turkey being a safe, comfortable, time-saving and accessible mode of transport with contribution to the national economy; we have achieved rapid growth and strengthened our position in the railway sector winning the first maintenance tender issued by TCDD in 2008.

Carrying out track maintenance and repair works for TCDD, its subsidiaries and private companies, Demiryapı İnşaat has successfully completed all projects it has been involved in throughout Turkey since the date of its establishment, continuing to increase it business volume and employment.

We carry on our activities in our factory with addition of production of Track Machines by means of local resources in 2013 to the activities of our company engaged in Infrastructure and Superstructure works in the railway sector.

As one of the leading companies in the railway sector, which is given particular importance in the world but is only recently appreciated in our country, Demiryapı İnşaat has justified pride of being in this sector for a long time. Having completed many railway infrastructure and superstructure works as from its establishment date, our company is also a railway material supplier having the intention of being indispensable in the sector with the opinion that the railway is our future.

Our main purpose is to contribute to the economic and social structure of our country and carry on our activities without compromising our Occupational Health and Safety policies for all of our employees both during the construction of Ankara-Eskişehir High Speed Train Line, which was our great breakthrough and all other subsequent projects.

As from our establishment date, we have aimed at being indispensable in the sector for a wide range of railway infrastructure and superstructure works as well as supply of railway materials with our expert and experienced staff and know-how, machinery and equipment.

Our goal is to carry out major projects with domestic and foreign investors in the railway sector, which is highly important for our country, and make significant contribution to the national economy. Our company has become a preferred brand in the railway sector and we intend to carry out overseas railway projects in the forthcoming years.

OUR RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS OUR COUNTRY AND PEOPLE; to manage our corporation with the awareness of respect for human, social responsibility and offering domestic products to our clients and being involved in expansion of the railway network, which is among the safest modes of transport throughout the world, while carrying out our projects with our production, employment, added value and taxed income.

OUR RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT; to take all measures for ensuring that our employees work in a safe environment and raise environmental awareness amongst our employees.

OUR RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS OUR CLIENTS; to carry on our activities for a fair price against reliable products and production with high added value and maintain satisfaction for all parties from our suppliers to our clients.

OUR RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS OUR EMPLOYEES; to provide a happy working environment to our employees enhancing their loyalty and satisfaction and maintain this and keep going together with knowledge, know-how and experience for many years.

STRATEGIC APPROACH; to manage our existing projects in the best possible way and plan our future to gain advantage in the long term.

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